Thread: Rant Thread
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Old 11-03-2006, 07:11 AM   #3240
DarkHeartedDemoness's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Minneapolis, MN
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Maybe the people who yell at people for lying have been "burned" too many times before. Maybe they get emotionally invested in a forum, or a specific person, and then that person posts a sob story. So naturally, this emotionally invested person is going to want to help, right? Consequently, they pour their heart out on how they can relate, how much they care for this person, how this person should get help. They may go so far as to PM this person their phone number, to try to help them personally. Then, it comes out that this person was lying. This person is nothing more than a manipulative attention seeker who preys on those who care about him/her. This person didn't really have a problem, other than his/her need for attention.

The person who was emotionally invested has just been "burned". They've been manipulated by someone they care about. This is pretty common on the internet, and with that knowledge, our "burn victim" is going to be wary the next time, even to the point of being cold.

I'm not saying it's right-- I'm just saying it's understandable.
A SPIDER sewed at night
Without a light
Upon an arc of white.
If ruff it was of dame
Or shroud of gnome,
Himself, himself inform.
Of immortality
His strategy
Was physiognomy.

--Emily Dickinson
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