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Old 01-10-2005, 08:54 PM   #2809
Granny-like_the_apple's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 517
Originally Posted by TStone
Hey! I've stayed in that first pink sandstoneish hotel, spent a week there back in the summer. Could have stayed in the new Trump Hotel, which you can make out the pool of, but silly me I thought the Radison would be fine.
my dad manages a raddison, thank you very much. this is obviously a lie.
OMG, what a dirt pit sands all ammenities. Fawk, they didn't even have the SCIFI channle!
no shit-really? i can't go a day without the scifi channel. im serious. no im not. but am i? no not really. i think it shows buffy reruns though, and i like that. oh and i watched this thing on some science channel about the top 50 or 100 scientific milestones of 2004 and to tell the truth the people could've been better looking and funnier and more exciting, but it was good anyways.
But if it's truly pictures to set the cold winter minds afire, Granny, you need to dig some up of the Emerald Coast. Sand Destin, PC, Ft. Walton, any of those will do.
but i've never been there, and i don't want pictures taken by some camera floozy. unless the camera floozy is me.
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