Thread: una pregunta
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Old 12-13-2006, 11:24 AM   #9
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Posts: 70
My answer: A lot of people don't like it because they're trying to be original and believe that Hottopic is pre-packaging the style, which is supposed to be DIY. Personally I'm split on that issue. I have a separate beef with Hottopic, which is that it's owned by Gap or is otherwise a large corporate entity using us.

So, I can't say I really spend much money at Hottopic, but my girlfriend likes to go there once in a while (though she's a bigger DIY'er than me), and I have no problem stealing from it because of the reasons I stated above.

I'm not saying it's evil and bad, there's things I like about it too. Firstly, it scares the conservative right, and I endorse scaring the conservative right. Secondly, the people who work there are usually pretty cool. The third reason is probably just that, while sure, it might suck, it sucks a whole lot less than most of the other store in the mall, in my opinion.

Oh yeah, that's the last reason. A lot of the elder goths resent the "MallGoth" culture which is closely relative to Hot topic. My take on it is that, okay, yeah these are 13 year old impressionable kids walking around getting into this culture, but honestly, I think that's a lot better than some of the other cultures out there.
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