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Old 12-17-2006, 02:28 AM   #148's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
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Originally Posted by BeckySlater
Seriously, the only Mod listed is Dirtnap, last activity was in 06/2006. There are no mods. I know the admins are busy people. That is fine, but they need a fallback for when this happens. Remember the kiddie porn postings of February 2006??

If they do not do anything because they are too busy to check this forum and my e-mails, then they are negligent. If they allow these kinds of threads in an all ages forum, then it (depending on region) is criminal.

I do not believe they would allow this is they were aware. I may not really liek the admins, but they aren't the kinds of people who would allow this.

Becky, it seems like you talk about objectionable content a great deal more than there actually seems to be objectionable content on this site. What exactly is your goal? The actual moderators are now unseen, since the ones that are/were listed seemed to get attacked by trolls a lot. That however does not mean that there are none. It is true that they are sometimes not quite as active, but then again the moderation is pretty fair and stays in the realm of policy, rather than personal politics and power tripping.

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