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Old 01-06-2007, 09:16 PM   #13
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Join Date: Oct 2005
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I *LOVE* Scrabble! I've been playing since I was 5; my mom taught me--by the time I was 10 I could keep up with her! Now, I own all at that game! Not sure if I'm tournament level, though.

I also love Uno and spades. There's nothing better than talking crap at the card table. My family tells me I should learn to play poker because I have the "blank face" when I play, so no one can ever fathom what I'm holding.

Solitaire's cool too, but I like to learn complicated versions of the game.
According to an article in USA Today, children from single parent homes have much better verbal skills than children from two parent homes. However, children from two parent homes are far superior at bitterly sarcastic repertoire.

I'd love to see crowds of kids running away from a greased naked guy with Jesus hair.--
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