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Old 02-12-2005, 07:49 PM   #23
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Portland, Oregon
Posts: 579
Originally Posted by thadon
Oh I'm sorry EPS I musta missed the part where your boyfriend wanted to call me out, well, like i said i got lotsssss o frequent flier miles and on the west surfing and fighting(In the ring) so if he's got beef he has the same invite AIM CINGTHRUyou2. So like you told my brother Johnny Blades bring it! And he'll be hiding like Al.
Confused here... I told Johnny Blades to bring it not you - unless of course you and he are indeed the same. Rightfully so after the physical threats he/you made towards my woman. I say bring it cause if anyone were to do that in my presence there'd be trouble and I'm not afraid of you or anyone else on this board that has tried to come off as tough guys.

Lastly, it's great that you have frequent flyer miles. Take yourself on a trip and relax. I have no interest in you or any of your many personalities but if you show up on my front porch then we'll have some issues.
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