Thread: americans
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Old 02-02-2007, 11:29 AM   #195
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: The Beautiful U.S. of A.
Posts: 1,241
Originally Posted by CptSternn
With the dozens of news reports and even more magazines that have been writing about identity theft over that past THREE years how anyone would post their real info there is beyond me.
If you can't back up anything you say about yourself and refuse to with this pathetic explanation (coming from a guy who threated to track someone else down at a convention cause they didn't like what they posted here), then don't talk about yourself AT ALL.

But alas, you are a pathelogical liar who volunteers treasure troves of information, and now you're admitting to lying about most of it. It's now obvious that you'll do everything under to sun to weasel your way out of having to face confrontation over your lies. Now I'm really curious to see what Nukusaa turns up. Why happens if it turns out to be a forgery or a lie though, Sternn? Will you revert back to this claim that you wouldn't REALLY send your real information to him?

You want to keep your life private? You can start by NOT POSTING WHERE YOU ATTENDED SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. If it's a lie, then why volunteer it at all? You even went back in another thread about school shootings and claimed you went to a different school (claiming that you lived the "hard-knock" life) than the one listed on both your Live Journal and myspace profiles. Either way, my friend, that makes you a liar. You have volunteered false information a number of times and it conflicts with information you've volunteered elsewhere. This pathetic excuse doesn't float at all.

Every profile you check on my yahoo/hotmail/myspace/friendster/bebo/facester/etc all have different birthdays and ages listed.
You list different birthdays? Really now? They must be off by no more than a month because your Live Journal account has the EXACT SAME dates listed for where you attended school and college. The birthday there coorelates with the EXACT age listed on your MySpace profile.

Next question is: If you're so proud of your service to the United States, how come you don't list it at ALL on either your MySpace or Live Journal accounts? You went to the extent of listing everything else you attended. Matter of fact, it's not listed in with your resume, which you've voluntarily posted and bragged about on your own website. Hmmm... now I'd think something as credentially advancing as being a Pararescuman would be something of note somewhere. Hell, you had to have spent damn near 6 years with the job.

Or wait... how about where you work now? The local government since you claim to be an elected politician. Why isn't that listed or mentioned ANYWHERE?

It wouldn't happen to be because you don't want people who really know you to wonder why you're lying about that, isn't it?
"[Brian Blair] was a punk. I can break his fucking back - break his back and make him humble and then fuck his ass ... Suplex him, put him in a camel clutch, break his back, and fuck his ass - make him humble. Teach him to respect the Iron Sheik. And I didn't do it, because for the God and Jesus, and Mr. McMahon." -Khosrow Vaziri (The Iron Sheik)
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