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Old 03-01-2007, 06:41 PM   #1096
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About 1984

It's good cyntox, a bit depressing. Although allot of people try and draw similarities between it and the US, I don't think it comes anywhere near being accurate. I do believe it's a mirror copy of North Korea though, and I mean down to a tee, even the propaganda speakers ( I'll tell you once you read it).

The Author is interesting. He was a socialist but didn't like russian communism. Can't remember where he was from though... England I think? Great read and should be required in schools.

I would also recommend "Stranger in a Strange Land". Get the uncensored version (not that it's more sexier just has more info) It was censored for soem reason back then but can't tell why now....
I think it's a good look at how society sees the outside and how we percieve "alien" things in our culture.
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P.T. Barnum

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