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Old 02-27-2005, 10:04 PM   #1625
gingerbreadwench's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 257
Originally Posted by drgnlvr
Sam brought home two Bettas today. Now, for the unitiated, Bettas are also known as Siamese Fighting Fish. Rule of thumb, never, EVER put two males in the same tank, unless you have a barrier to keep them apart. Which, We do.

Now, one is a pretty purple/blue one, the other is a bright red one. The blue one seemed rather shy, and mellow for a male betta, while the red one is quite aggressive (Fanning his fins to their full width, and puffing out his gills)

After a couple hours of watching them off and on today, I've come to the conclusion, the blue one is actually an asshole. Once he figured out the red one couldn't get to him, he started swimming up the the barrier, and just floating there. No posturing, or anything. Which only serves to inflame the red one, who will whoosh right up, and flare his fins and gills, and do this wiggly little fishy-dance in an effort to intimidate the blue one.

It's almost like the blue one is floating there, saying "Nanny-nanny boo-boo! You can't get me!" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, I'm easily entertained. :P
Lol drgn... I'm having that much fun with my new birds. I have two, Hermes and (No Name Yet), and the female is driving Hermes absolutely nuts. He's afraid of her... hasn't gotten down from the top of the cage for like an hour. The female just sits there, totally bored. Hehehe... they're too funny.
k is for kate.
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