Thread: Rant Thread
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Old 03-20-2007, 05:12 AM   #3564
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 205
Originally Posted by PersephoneX
Saturday night something kinda scary happened. I was invited to a show. I hadn’t been to one in ages, and i asked my boyfriend to go with me, knowing he'd never been to a Punk gig before. He made other plans, so i was snubbed...Being upset because my partner couldn’t go, i decided to enjoy myself, have a few drinks and take in the sounds. I was a tad drunk, had moshed myself into exhaustion and i went to have a lay down in a quiet corner. So i could rest and wait for my brother to take me to the car. Someone very close to me (someone i had considered to be a friend) kissed me, while i was half passed out. He then started doing other things. When i realized what he was doing i sat up and called my brother to ask him to take me home...My “friend” knows how i feel about my boyfriend. He also knew that i wouldn’t have allowed that to happen if i was sober. I feel like he took advantage of me.
I told my boyfriend as soon as i got home. I was so drunk i could barely text. He was so angry with my friend for doing it. I'm really upset because i'm sometimes too loyal for my own good. But I know that that's a good thing. Because it helps develop trust in our relationship...and now this happens. And even though i didn’t want it to happen and i didn’t kiss still looks bad. I really love my boyfriend.
Girl, you can just write that boy OFF as your friend.
Friends don't "do" friends when they're 3 sheets to the wind.
That and I would watch the alcohol in public if I were you.
Shit happens that you'd not want to, I have found.
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