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Old 04-17-2007, 02:09 AM   #7
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It was a good film. I'm surprised people still try and argue that global warming is not happening, with all the evidence around them. There was an article last week...

Which has some more interesting stats on the matter. In fact, many of the problems it outlines are already starting to happen in areas. For example the timber industry is now plagued by various species that before were killed by cold, however their native areas no longer have cold winters. This is causing hundreds of millions in losses to the U.S. timber industry each year now. Two years ago they said it was 'El Nino' (sp?), but now are saying its a permanent change and will directly effect the industry. Same goes for the fishing industry in Alaska - also being effected by species now overtaking fishing grounds due to the raise in temperature. I'm sure over the course of the next 5-10 we will see those get worse, and others appear.

The fact the Supreme Court has now come out last week and admitted that it thinks it is happening is also a big reverse in previous policy and sure to have an effect.

In interviews after they sited this film as part of their studies on the matter.
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