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Old 02-16-2004, 10:28 PM   #303
ohthefuckwell's Avatar
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yeah, but see, we have this silly little "zero tolerance" policy re: noise in my apartment complex.

and, hey.....wasn't a mystery. i knew what they were lol

which reminds me.....i'm STILL pissed about my dinner saturday night. ya's not often that i actually want to eat, seeing as how the very thought of food these days makes me ill. but saturday....i was in the mood to eat. i wanted a steak. i don't eat red meat much any more (you know....when i do actually eat) , so it was a treat for me. they had this hawaiian steak on the menu. now, around here, they slap a pineapple on something & BOOM! it's hawaiian. but, the menu went into detail about this citrus-ginger marinade yadda yadda yadda. thought, "what the hell?" medium rare. that's how i get my steaks. the menu said it came with fresh veggies & rice.

first...i get the steak. fries are covering my plate. "'scuse me? ummmm where's my rice?" "oh, sorry!" yeah, ok. "oops, we're out of rice, that's why they put fries on there instead." way to inform the customer. so, i have them bring me mashed potatoes instead, as the smell of the fries was quickly causing me to lose what little appetite i had. i cut into my steak....completely grey. one tiny lil pink dot in there. and you know what they tell me?? they can't give me another one because that was the last of that particular cut. of course it was. *sigh*

needless to say, i didn't have to pay for it, but still.....once in a freaking blue moon i get all fired up about eating & THIS is what happens. *sigh* i think the restaurant industry has been taking tips from the "men's guide on how to treat women".......................*ducks*
hate is just a special kind of love we give to people who suck.
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