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Old 04-23-2007, 05:20 PM   #157
Ishkabibble's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: San Salvador, El Salvador.
Posts: 311
I've tried the peroxide and lemon juice mix, it worked beautifully. The problem is, I cannot get my mother to buy the peroxide for me, so I have to sneak with my brother to get it.

Since I have a natural tan skin (I completely loathe it since it makes me look like one of those barbie clones from my school) I tend to run away from the sun like if it were the bird flu. Hee. Still it is hard to keep a decent whitish skin (now I have it since I have bleached? it) because there's just too much sun where I live.

I do have a question...If you wear sweaters or long sleeves, does it help not getting tanned? Sorry if it was already mentioned before x3
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