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Old 04-04-2005, 09:02 AM   #3105
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: nomad
Posts: 336
nai, ergazomai sthn Ellada to kalokairi, giatí spoudázw Archaeologia .... Sthn Athena kai Kalapodi (kseris; einai kontá Atalanth).

see, it's a catastrophe. I think it's not that hard to understand, but constructing sentences myself is really hard for me.

It probably wouldn't be so difficult if I had more time to practice when I'm not there...I'd like to take some lessons in Greek and Italian, but work and studies don't allow the time being. So I'm trying to catch up as much as possible whenever I'm there, but, well, when I'm into the language again I'm usually leaving to Italy, where I have to get into the language again, and when I'm into that, I'm moving on. Meh, my life is total chaos concerning languages.

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