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Old 04-17-2005, 11:11 AM   #1851
TeapotScar's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 1,111
Ode to AlKilyu... Part Deux

Al's coming out of his shell
Which is super good
Because sometimes life is hell.
But smile, AlKilyu should.

He doesn't eat meat,
I may have mentioned before.
He doesn't even cheat,
He's no carnivore.

He wouldn't kill anything,
Not even a bug.
Listen to the crickets sing;
"Let's give him a hug!"

He goes out Friday nights
And accidentally steals his friend's dates!
He's not afraid of heights!
And he attracts many mates.

He hearts gothic-dot-net
It's true forum-love,
I'm certainly willing to bet,
Or I'll eat a glove.

He doesn't post enough pics,
All the girls and guys think he's hot
And want to take him to see flicks,
Which he likes a lot.

Soon he'll be on the East Coast
To see Granny and Tea!
We must make a toast,
Or else we'll get flea(s)...

"Even though we fight a bunch,
Our bickers don't really matter,
I've got a hunch...
Al's as sweet as brownie batter!"
Study math.

-Add me on myspace, because I'm pretty sure I've tried to add you!
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