Thread: Wow.
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Old 07-23-2007, 01:58 AM   #5
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If you haven't seen the whole film Jesus Camp, its worth the watch.

Also, to touch on what Renatus said...

I don't think its as much 'be rich while completely negating those in need' as much as it is they make people think that those who are poor somehow deserve it, or aren't working hard enough for their God, therefore if God isn't going to help them, its not their responsibility.

The old 'puratin work ethic', taken to the utmost extreme - God helps those who help themselves, and if he doesn't, it's not our problem.

Their faith, as they sell it, tells them that God provides for the righteous. If you find yerself in need in todays society, their view is well, you must not be righteous enough, therefore, they want nothing to do with you.

It always makes my chuckle, even in this film, when they have their 'missionaries' that go out 'preaching'. Much like the mormons - they choose white, affluent, areas in which to 'testify'. You don't see these people heading to Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, etc. to spread 'the good word'. They choose groups of people that already have the same beliefs, and mold them more into what they believe rather than find people who truly need a missionary, people who might have opposing views or conflicts with their own beliefs.

Like the proverbial 'preaching to the choir', they only go out 'preaching' to people that look like them, come from the same background, and are more likely to fall in line with their way of thinking.

Like cults do.
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