Thread: Evanescence
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Old 08-29-2007, 10:49 AM   #111
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Originally Posted by Linen
I didn't hear a single note out of tune at that performance. Granted, nobody gives a flawless performance every time, especially when you jump/bounce/run around on the stage like a rabbit on crack like she does.
Honestly, that wouldn't impress me. If you can't stay in tune and put on a good show as a singer, you probably don't belong on stage. I know plenty of people who aren't even particularly good who can do that.

In reference to the post-production processing on many of their songs, I must say that she still has a beautiful voice when you hear her singing some of those older, raw songs (and even a few of the more recent songs - like The Last Song I'm Wasting On You).
The only natural sounding bits of her voice sound raspy and strained to me, like she's singing in the back of her throat.

Besides, their lyrics are irritatingly "oh woe is me," and the guitar follows the same soft-verse, loud-chorus formula that was already getting stale by the time Nirvana made it a cliche'.

Sorry, don't like them one bit.
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