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Old 05-19-2005, 11:19 AM   #1995
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Adventures In Child-Rearing or

WTF is that child thinking?

My daughter, lately is doing the cutest thing! See when we lay her down for her naps we have to put her in a long-legged one-piece outfit. If we don't she reaches into her diaper and smears poop all over herself and her bed and her bear. (The word 'cute' is used sarcastically for alla youse what don't have chilliuns')

Now, I don't know why she does this. Is it because mommy looks bored so she figures she'll create a disgusting mess to give mommy something to do? I'm really not that bored, plus I'm back to work as of last Saturday. If it were anything but poop! EEWWWWWWWW!!!! My child is so gross!

Okay, not always but she's got some nasty habits.

In other news:

The other night there was a HUMONGOUS COCKROACH that flew(Yes,flew) into the house through the sliding door on the balcony of our apartment. My husband spends 15 minutes chasing the damned thing around before he can finally kill it! I've never seen a bug so fucking fast! Must've been on speed or something. My husband was chasing it trying to kill the damned thing with me on the other side of the room squealing in fear and jumping every time the thing looked like it was coming toward me. I fucking HATE those ginormous roaches!

My husband says," I can't believe you can go through labor twice, but a lil bug scares you."

I say," That's not a lil fucking bug!"

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