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Old 03-05-2004, 01:47 PM   #44
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 35
Gosforth Park.

It came to me as a complete surprise. The video rental shop was out of everything I wanted to see; apart from a few films I had seen already. I took this one out in order to fill a few hours - being a period movie I thought it wouldn't matter if it wasn't much good, as I would at least enjoy looking at the buildings, costumes and decor.

I was completely engrossed in it after the first five minutes. It was so complex and yet so simple in its plot; in fact there were about 100 stories interlaced into one; I felt intrigued by every single character, including the ones that were only onscreen for five minutes in total. Although there are a few stars involved, no-one dominated the movie; in fact, everyone was a star - even the dog. Especially the dog.

I loved it so much I rewound it and watched it again; and if it hadn't been due back at the shop, I'd have watched it a thitd time. Odd for me, as I usually only watch horror and sci-fi.
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