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Old 06-30-2005, 11:04 PM   #7
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: buttmunch Houston, TX
Posts: 649
Indeed I am. I'm not exactly smart and I'm the only one who doesn't get straight A's among my siblings. I'm also a late bloomer, it takes me a while to get around things. I didn't turn out to be one of God's beautiful beings either, I just have all the leftovers.

I have never been outgoing nor do I have many friends. I don't like people that much. I feel that there's "competition" in my family. And I'm not even competitive!! Then I get mad at myself for actually caring. I wish I could be more like them sometimes. It would be so much easier if I were the only child.

Gentle and passive describe me best, whereas my mom and brother are aggressive and firm. If you met my brother and I you would die of shock. I'm night and he's day.

I'm organized and clean unlike my family, I mean they're pigs! I clean up after them and take up most of the house chores. I have to because I'm OCD. All I need is Andrew Eldritch sitting at the kitchen table smoking a clove and demanding dinner, and I'm already a house wife. :lol:

What my family and most people would find sad and strange is that I actually manage to be happy. (Many find me to be distant and uninteresting. They think "How can she survive such a boring life? What a loser!!") Not that it bothers me but at least I know.

The only gene I carry from my family is being artistic.
Imagination takes the shadows away
Imagination keeps the shadows away

~Clan of Xymox
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