Thread: Rant Thread
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Old 07-07-2005, 05:10 PM   #646
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Seattle
Posts: 408
A couple of things-

1.So I read Spin magazines top 100 albums since 1985. Now, I'm a sucker for top-whatever lists, and am willing to accept that most lists I read miss quite a bit. However, Spin's list had quite abit that made me fucking nauseous to no end

A-Radiohead's "OK Computer" was # 1, while Public Enemy's "It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back" was # 2. In other words, middling white boys with guitar doing formulaic music decently will always be taken more seriously than talented black men who not only changed how people listen to music, or what kind of music they listen to, but also how music is created in the first place...thanks for clarifying that, Spin magazine.

B-OK, so we're not going to get around popping Nirvana on there. That I can accept. I mean, "Nevermind" was one of those albums that provided a "before/after" perspective. However, it was also Nirvana's worst album. If we're gonna go with sociological aspects, OK, but I thought this list was top albums, not important albums. Replace "Nevermind" with "In Utero", and I'd say "OK". And where the fuck is Mudhoney's "Superfuzz Bigmuff", or Soundgarden's "Ultramega OK" and "Louder Than Love" (you know, the albums they made before they started to suck horribly), not to mention anything by Pussy Galore, the Swans ("The Great Annihilator" anyone?), the Butthole other words, before grunge, it was called pigfucker, and to only have albums by Sonic Youth (yes, "Daydream Nation" was their best album, and rightly deserves that spot so near the top) and Big Black (what kind of deaf dipshit would put "Atomiser" so far down the list?) is kind of criminal, especially considering how much of an influence these albums had on everything after them (not to mention how much better these albums are then about 99% of what came afterwards).

C-Holy shit, didn't Ministry put out all their great albums (aside from "With Sympathy", which still stands as their best album) after 1985? Come to think of it, so did Depeche Mode.

D-White Stripes-bad. If you're gonna put an album by a bunch of rip-off artists with no ideas of their own, put on more Stroke albums. At least they have the balls to admit that they're not original.

E-And where the fuck is Turbonegro? C'mon, these are the guys that made metal cool again. And where's Motorhead, or the Ramones, or Rapeman, or death metal of any kind?

F-not enough hip-hop. Again, we can go back to point A, and this simple fact just hammers that nail in a bit more.

2.So I went to the corner store a few nights ago to get a pack of smokes. he guy behind the counter is a really nice guy, who happens to be Paki (we have spoken quite a bit over my late ngiht junk-food runs). Well, there was this guy there...a vet from Desert Scam 1, who was a bit blitzed, and this guy was totally insulting the Paki, saying shit like "you little brown fuckers are making us go over and fight for're one of them, aren't you? You kill off real americans, then come over here and steal our jobs, our money, and our women."....well, you get the idea. The problem was this-I didn't do shit. The Paki just smiled and tried to serve the guy as quickly as possible whilst getting insulted to no end, and I just kept quiet.

Afterwards, I thought about it. I couldn't help but feel guilty for not...well, not doing the right thing. I mean, I can go on here, and call out Asurai for being a hate-filled, spineless Bitch-Boy shill for the retarded right, and that's the right thing to do. But doing the right thing doesn't matter unless you're willing to do it where it matters the most-in real life, as it's happening. And on that part, I failed. I should've told the guy off, but instead, I worried about my comfort, worried about seeming other words, I gave myself bullshit reasons for not doing a thing.

It might not seem that big a deal for most of you, but it fucking bothers me to no end. I always pride myself in being honest to myself in relation to what's going on around me, but in that one instant, I created excuses to be dishonest with myself. In other words, I failed to live up to my own ideals.

A learning experience, I guess, but one that makes me realise how fallible I am as a person. I guess I hate being humbled...especially when I do it to myself.

------end rant-------
I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out.
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