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Old 09-02-2005, 08:55 PM   #29
ElendarSilvermoon's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 9
I'm definitely the black sheep in my family. All of my younger siblings play some sort of sport, but I'm heavily involved in music. Singing, composing, playing instruments. The whole nine yards. I was just never very athletic. I also tend to be the quieter one in the family. I don't ask for much. I just sit at the computer or at my keyboard and work on my music. I've got a job so I don't really need to ask for money there either. As far as things go with my parents. My dad (being a pastor of a church) hates many of the things I wear and alot of the music I listen to. I told him off on the music part, basically told him to either give up preaching and compose music, or respect musicians for their art. As far as the clothing goes, he hasn't confronted me directly about it, but has been badgering my mom about it. My mom, she's a sunday school teacher, but she doesn't really mind the music I listen to or the clothes I wear as long as I'm not out smoking weed and drinking. Though she did have a little annoying moment where she thought faeries and elves were satanic. I was like "Okay, just because this is a new age store doesn't mean it's satanic". My mom is cool about stuff like that though, it's just my dad that I have to worry about, on the odd occasion that he's actually gotten off his ass and done something other than sleep on the couch, flip through the five television channels we get or sticking his nose into various bible texts. Those are my ramblings for today.
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