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Old 09-04-2005, 12:38 PM   #3
Bodnoirbabe's Avatar
Join Date: May 2004
Location: The Violet Prison
Posts: 210
It's not shit. It's actually a very valid feeling you have there. It's the small things our significant others do for us that can make or break a relationship.

It sounds like your music is very important to you and he doesn't seem to grasp that. He's forcing his music down your throat and that's not fair. Marriage is about compromise, and he's not doing that. At least not with your music.

You need to sit down and have a serious conversation with him about it. Come to terms about what he doesn't like about your music and what you don't like about his. Then you both need to go through your collections and take out those things that the other can't stand. Promise to play it only during alone time. The rest, you should mix into one file so you can both listen to the music you like at the same time.

That's all the advice i've got. Oh, except this. If it's making you feel anything at all, it's not shit. Period. No ones feelings are shit. there are just people out there that would like to make you feel that they are.
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