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Old 01-31-2008, 01:39 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by KontanKarite
Yeah. I've pretty much made up my mind. Around October, I'm going on an adventure. I'm moving to New York City. No justifiable rhyme or reason. I'm just going to do it.

So yeah, what's the cost of living like up there? How's the economy in general there? I've got a lot of eclectic skills from security to insurance outsourcing to arts, crafts, and performing arts.

Essentially, I just want to know what is what and what I should know before moving. Thanks a bunch. Gothicus, I'm looking at you, buddy.
I was wondering if you've actually had any sucess with arts, crafts and performing arts where you already live. New York is very expensive. I knew a couple guys who were going to do that. Their car got jacked the first night and they ended up going home.
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