Thread: Graveyards
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Old 03-18-2008, 05:18 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Mirei Raven
I agree. It's the beauty of them that draws so many of us to them, not necessarily the fact that it's a cemetary. Okay, so the idea of knowing that there are dead bodies under your feet dues seem rather "gothy", especially to many outsiders, but I think it's more the serenity (if that's a word) and idea of it being a quiet sanctuary from everyday troubles.

Now, even the ones that are in the middle of concrete jungles hold a sense of beauty. Some of them are overgrown, littered with garbage and drunks, but inside, the people living there are at peace and no onger have to worry about all the little problems that we stress over daily. I guess it's sort of an obvious form of symbolism, but some people who I talk to tend to not realise it.
Ah yes, I agree with your opinion that cemeteries are serene. Nobody can hurt you there because everybody's already dead.
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