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Old 03-20-2008, 09:25 PM   #6
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
Posts: 1,679
1. I didnt say O'maley had Zach assasinated. I was saying that decisions like the ones he and other in power make cause things like this to happen.

2. We do do thing to try and "educate on a personal levle". Allot of reall stuff is popping off in Baltimore, the movement is spreading. Allot of what algebra project and varius other organizations and unafilliatied ppl does is try to do peer to peer education. We try to start independent study groups to attain real education. Yet we are forced to go to sch0ol 7 hours a day to learn nothing we dont already know. We shouldnt have to do these things but thats how it is.

3. O'malley is constantly jocking to get slots in maryland. I dont see how slots are more important to him than people. And O'malley and others straight bullshit us, all they do is talk.

4. More money to the police???? OMFG I HAVE NEVER HEARD SUCH A STUPID THING!! The police here are corrupt as hell. I think cops that actually did good would help B-more. But thats like putting a bandaid on a shot gun wound. What do you propose? Marshall law? Cut education/healcare/electricity completely, let us rot in ghettos? Issue curfew (o wait they already did that). Fuck the people treat them like shit and when they fight back, increase police presence, crack down, beat them bakc into their holes. If that is what you call logic I want no part of it.

Baltimore is falling apart largely due to coruption, and those in power not giving a shit about us.

In baltimore there is a vast amount of poverty, and yet from it allot of good people have risen many more have been tainted by the negative energy(or whatever you want to call it).

Maybe O'malley isnt inherently evil. aybe he loves his family and they love him. And no I dont "want his skin" neccisarily. Butwe cant just accept choices like the ones he has made. Deficit? yeah they love that word. But there always seems to be money for shit like bombs/ yatchs (sp)/etc.
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