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Old 04-12-2008, 11:45 PM   #2
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: the concrete and steel beehive of Southern California
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WOW! Damn, you are good dude! I found number 5 especially convincing:

"If we cannot reduce the money we pay for our education, we should have the right to know where our money goes."

I predict three outcomes:

a) Your overflow of brilliant and effective ideas and actions will lead to unethical groups (the one driven by fraternities I suspect) to try and take credit for your history, i.e. they will complain "wait a minute! WE did that!" or some such contradiction. If nothing else, it will throw Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt ( "FUD" as we call it in American Marketing) so that they may not steal the credit, but your group will still lose it.

b) The masses will be lead like cattle by the heavily publicized group.

c) Your group will win by a landslide, swept into power by enlightened and interested voters. (Doubtful, at least that doesn't happen in the United States. Enlightened and interested voters that is.)

Well done Godslayer! Good Show!
Charlie Chaplin The Greatest Speech in History

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