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Old 04-19-2008, 11:32 PM   #157
TopHaggardDoll's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Mir
It must be tough finding band mates. I get that problem. I played some riffs for a friend and he wanted to;

a) keep two riffs and leave one out.
b) form a band with me.

I said no because he wanted to drop one of the riffs. haha.
I just started doing it! No conflict then. Me and my friends occasionally help eachother out with parts in recordings and get advice and tricks from one another, that is about it.

I dropped out of the first band I was in, I was just the vocalist but after 4-5 years I got bored of what we were doing and because it was all falling apart. Plus, I felt stupid being in a Black Metal band but I don't really listen to much of it.
I formed a drone doom band recently but the other guitarist seems more interested in playing exceptionally fast...which obviously makes drone a bad!

So, in the long run...playing music with other people doesn't oft work out for me...which is lame, i'd love to do it. I think it's about finding truly like minded people really...which is rare.
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