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Old 05-12-2008, 10:01 PM   #121
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Originally Posted by Megansmom
Why are you afraid to honestly explore how you feel about the subject of your own prejudices? We all have them just some of us aren't afraid to admit they have them and deal with them
Don't you think this is an incredibly condescending question, not to mention outrageously offensive? I won't speak for Kontan or the good Captain, but I have to say that as justified or not as it was for you to get cussed out, it can't come as a surprise that you would anger someone who has shown no prejudice against the Jewish people. As we discussed earlier in this thread, it seems that whenever Israel is criticized, someone brings up charges of anti-Semitism. Along with charges of anti-Americanism, it's the typical rhetorical tactic to stifle objection to the Politically Correct Gospel that Israel and America can do no wrong.

Originally Posted by ArtificialOne
Obviously Stern is insane or was once captured and brainwashed.
It never ceases to amaze me how people beholden to that bloody left/right dichotomy accuse their opponents of doing the very thing they themselves do before they can get called out on it. Jonah Goldberg tried that with a book tying liberals to fascism., and you, ArtificialOne, are doing a marvelous job doing the same thing. You have a beef with Stern. I get it. You think he's lighting a match to burn the house down...butyour solution is to bring in the flamethrower? My, my. I sure love me the smell of ash in the mornin'. I can't say your name-calling and comments like "yeah, that was joke if you didn't get it, but you're so stark raving mad I'm sure you and your kind will go stark raving mad and frothy at the mouth at the mere mention of such things" displays any great maturity, erudition, or open-mindedness.

As for the propaganda charges, would you care to back up your claims? Reading the foreign press, paying attention to non-corporate media sources like MotherJones and Democracy Now, even the Associated Press actually conveys useful information once in a while; all of these paint a picture that is as unflattering of Israel as it is of Palestine. Although, mainstream media here, like the big papers and AP are beholden to the view that Israel, as a key US ally and friend, can't be criticized TOO harshly. This is why we never hear about Israel's arsenal of nuclear weapons and why we have to make an effort to get a real picture of how bad living conditions are for Palestinians. And where do I get off saying such things?

For once, it would be nice to have a sane discussion on the topic, but alas, it seems the options are to preach to the choir or put on flame-retardant underpants. For effen's sake.
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