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Old 10-15-2005, 10:14 AM   #3918
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: nomad
Posts: 336
Originally Posted by Empty_Purple_Stars

Mael and I were just talking bout you a couple of days ago..

How are you??

Exquisite as ever I am sure..

What have you been up lately Beautiful?
Hi! :-)

How are you doing?

I'm fine, at home for a few days, bought a new notebook and can go online again sometimes...

Where have I been, what have I done.....First I've been to Greece for abot 2 months where I've been working on an excavation and started to write my thesis about the Roman temple of Kalapodi (the excavation where I was working)....then I've ruined my notebook and my ligaments when I was travelling to the airport in Athens and was forced to stay home for a month, which was, afterall not that bad, because that way I coul spend some more time with my friends at home. At the end of August I was able to walk and work again and went to a survey in Styria, Austria, and afterwards to Turkey, where I was working for the Miletus project for 6 weeks. I enjoyed the whole project a lot, it was so wonderfully international - the were people from Germany, Turkey, The Netherlands, Greece, The USA, Romania, Lithuania, Great Britain, ... which created a colorful and nice athmosphere, and I also liked the country itself very much. I've been working in Miletus, which is on the west coast, but I was able to travel to central Anatolia, too...I haven't been to Istanbul yet, but I hope I can go there and see some friends, soon, it's said to have a very special athmosphere...Unfortunatley I haven't made it to Syria or other oriental countries yet, I had intended to go there before I was working in Turkey, but with my foot it wasn't possible. Hopefully next year....

oh well, I can't just go ahead spamming the "What are you currently listening to" thread without telling what I am listening to -

Fields Of The Nephilim - Last Exit For The Lost
"The reason why truth is so much stranger than fiction is that there is no requirement for it to be consistent."
Mark Twain
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