Thread: Ignorance.
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Old 09-23-2008, 11:41 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2007
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Alright, this happened in an RE lesson today, we were discussing the concept of war and peace, and the teacher asked people whether they would fight for their country, and the answer was always the same:

"It depends on the reason."

If you're fighting for a reason that's separate to your country, and is not unconditional patriotism, you are fighting for a political cause, you are NOT fighting for your country.

Some of the arguments were ridiculous. People are brainwashed into this glorification of the army, this Islamophobia, and more importantly, they're not aware that the UK and the US are pretty much terrorist states in their own right.

Someone said that wars like the war in Iraq and Afghanistan are necessary, the War On Terror to stop things like 9/11. When I pointed out that Al Qaeda was funded by the US in the struggle to defeat the Afghan Marxists because the US agenda was to destroy the Soviet Union, AND that 9/11 was every major government's wet dream because it meant that they could infrige on civilian freedom in the name of the War On Terror, things like the Patriot Act, and the recent story of how a terrorist attempt was foiled by police officers putting unlawful surveillance into a man's home and bugging his telephone lines with no actual evidence, and to invade other countries and basically do whatever they want, someone said "Yeah but the US couldn't predict what Al Qaeda were going to do at that time, they were just freedom fighters and were revered by the people because that's whom they were fighting for."

Of course, this person didn't know that in 1993, Al Qaeda had already tried and failed to bomb the World Trade Center, so how could the US possibly be in the dark on their Islamic Extremism and their terrorist activity? Furthermore, nobody knew that Israel was invading Palestine. NOBODY.

I fucking despair for humanity.
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