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Old 10-26-2005, 09:03 PM   #10
polished_wolf_claws's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada
Posts: 300
I must agree with Xng on the whole "no regrets" policy... but I do have one taht embarrassed someone else.

This summer I was at the fair in my home town and I was with some friends... they were getting some heat for being goth by some football players I went to school with... so we ditched out of the fair and were heading back to their place, but these guys and their girlfriends were following us..
We decided we wanted to lose them... so we took a quick turn through the cemetary.... hop the fence on the other side and get across the tracks.
These people decided to follow.... and this big guy confronted me whilst my friends took off down the lane to behind the (Cities only) Mausoleum. We shoved me.... I didn't shove back...
"Whats the point of this?" I asked him
He shoved me again " That your a ****** and you won't do a damn thing about it."
"Oh..." I smiled as I glanced past him and looked to his girlfriend, while I took my 'Danger' Chain (A chain that is hooked onto my vest that I use only in emergency escape shots) "She's your Girlfriend right?" I pointed to his gf
"Yea... Sorry, not only am I not interested, but I'm taken" He indeed burned me on that one...
"Fine with me. Not my type anyways." I laughed "but I am, apparently, your GIrlfriends type."
A few days before hand, she hopped on my lap and started at my neck while I was waiting for a friend to finish his drink at the bar. (Cute girl... but I'm taked)
"WHAT!?!" He got pissed off... his girlfriend blushed. he saw it, and he started at me. he came at me saying something about me being a ****** (I'm bi, so he's part right....) and that he was going to kick my ass.
He came at me, and I grabbed him by the balls with my right hand... and gave him a good one shot in the mouth with the danger chain...... no one saw that chain I think.... Cuz they would have been on me like stink on an ape... nor would I without the chain of knocked him out like that.... at least i think I knocked him out.... he didn't move after.... I'm a big guy... but he was far bigger....
Anyways... his buddy's just stood in awe and let me walk.... one guy said "Dude, that fag just knocked him out..." but did nothing to follow me.
I saw him the next night at the ex, fat lip and without a girlfriend... his buddy siad loudly "Isn't that the fag that K.O.ed you last night?" and all I saw was him turn red... ya kow like elmur fudd when he's mad... from the bottom up... and I heard a little "Dude, shut up."

Just Priceless.

I'll try to find a story about me sometime....
I bitch because I love

"Teh Lordz Satan Protektz me frm ebil in mah PANTS!!!!!11111"
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