Thread: Fathers
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Old 11-03-2008, 07:26 AM   #1
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He died on Halloween morning, he had bowl cancer.
A couple of weeks ago at school he started crying and told us about his Dad having cancer, so we all comforted him.
I can't say I knew his Dad very well, but from the few times I did meet him, he was actually one of the most sound people Id ever met.
I found out that his Dad died on Halloween night when I was talking to one of my best friends.
I feel terrible for my friend.
He's the type that shows no weakness, but I'm sure after something like this he is going to have to show how he really feels, so we all have to be ready for that and try our best to help him keep his chin up.
Thing is after I found out about this, I started thinking about my own Dad.
It was my birthday last Monday and yet again I didn't even get a card from him, same as last year and the previous years. I don't have a very close relationship with my Dad and I used to think I didn't care, maybe I didn't but I care now. I want to try and make the best of what little connection I have left with my Dad, but it depends, I'm not sure if he wants to.
I can't say I've done absolutely fine without my Dad, but I got by, but I think I'm now at a time in my life where I'll need him for advice and support.
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