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Old 11-06-2008, 06:19 PM   #59
Toy Killer
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Animal cruelty is usually a power or control based disturbance. taking of a living being's life can be felt as exhilarateing to someone that doesn't have control over thier own.

The parents are most likely a big part of the problem, in some sense or another. This is very common in the early lives of serial killers, becuase when you take a second and think about it, you don't have much control over you're life as a child. imagine being told what to wear, when to change, when to eat, when to sleep, every single day for years on end. Couple that with emotional, physical, or sexual abuse and a single parent too preoccupied to pay attention to a child that needs to communicate and reinforce the volumous knowledge he's learning, and you can have someone who turns to violence for the illusion of contol in his day to day.

then when he grows older, and things get out of hand, feeding animals to alligators may not satisfy these deep-seated urges. Hence single parents, early abuse or neglect, and childhood animal cruelty all being profiles of violent criminals.
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