Thread: Meat.
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Old 11-10-2008, 06:26 PM   #59
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Hmm. Well, let's see...on average, I eat meat 2-3 times a week. The rest of the time I'm usually eating fruits or staple foods (read: bread and noodles).

Will this movie clip change that? No.

Here's a hint, for those of you out there who are relatively prone to emotional decisions:

You can choose to be vegetarian or not, I don't care. But the fact is that mean is a much more concentrated energy source than plant products. Our bodies are designed to digest it, and many people do need the proteins and energy found in meet. While it is true that these nutrients can be found elsewhere, it usually involves selecting an eclectic buffet of different vegetables and fruits, usually not available to the average world citizen.

Yes, I just made the point that being vegetarian - or worse, vegan - is an affectation of the privileged.

From a use of resources standpoint, it is more efficient to simply grow wheat OR rice OR soybeans OR barley OR whatever. It's not very efficient to try this with the multiple array of plant products that you will need to adequately nourish a human being. It's certainly not feasible in third-world countries. This is why you usually find people subsisting off of one or two meat products and a staple plant product (i.e., fish and rice in Vietnam).

In short, your discovered animosity against meat products is only made possible by your privileged lifestyle. On the other hand, without that privileged lifestyle, you get to be malnourished if you don't eat meat.

Now, there are limited exceptions, of course, but study the dietary habits of humans throughout history and you'll note that people usually dispensed with plant products before they dispensed with meat. And for good reason.
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