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Old 12-21-2008, 12:46 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Underwater Ophelia
It's not cool to be unprofessional.
Any establishment that would allow a salesperson to talk to customers like that is unprofessional.

Your job in sales isn't to tell people off, give people your opinion, or stand up for what you believe in. It's to make money.

Sometimes you will ask them to pick an option that they would prefer... Stupid things like... do you need a bag or are you alright?
or - are you entering pin or signing.

If they happen to find something wrong with anything and you try to explain them anything in the most professional pleasant manner possible - they will still be angry.

And quite often when you smile and answer politely or wait for them to leave like you are instructed to do... this makes them even angrier.

Sometimes it is fine to deal with a customer by trying to rationalize with them. Because there are people who are never fucking happy.
They don't realize how happy it makes me when they finally say they will go somewhere else because I won't discount more off an already discounted item just because they are old.
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