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Old 01-11-2009, 08:08 PM   #25
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Originally Posted by girasol
I think that if I don't eat what someone prepares for me - it will go in the garbage and that cow will be dead anyway.
I am iron deficient and nobody makes enough dishes with spinach and other things just to suit me.

I don't mind eating steak, or having dishes with mince in them. But anything that is too meaty makes me feel a little ill. I am not sure why. I do not think about animal cruelty whenever I sit down for a meal but I have just started to feel sick if I eat a lot of meat. So I just eat whatever when I feel like it.

I don't think it is murder to eat meat from animals. Dogs + horses etc. have other qualities which in my opinion - should exclude them from being food targets. I just wished that more consideration was put into how they were treated.

When I was in Turkey - in ramazan... I could not touch meat and I felt revolted by even the smell of any meat dish. I could not bring myself to touch anything with meat in it because for some reason the thought of an animal being sacrificed by people - disturbed me.
People were meant to sacrifice the animal for go n give it to the poor and needy... But our next door neighbor was giving the meat to her neighbors. I hope they didn't really expect to score any brownie points for their sacrifice. A needless exhibition of false generosity.

I hate ramazan. I think they should just give money to meat companies if they really want to - the animals should be painlessly killed and the meat should be donated to the poor.

I should not have been walking to the bakery and seen a cow tied up and stayed at the bakery for 5 hours in case I saw what they were going to do.

fuckwits. -_-
So even though you don't have any moral objections to animal slaughter, or eating meat since you can't be bothered cooking for yourself or taking supplements, you object when you have to see it happen?

Factory farming can be and usually is much worse.
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