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Old 01-13-2009, 12:02 AM   #14
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 118
I don't think they do it an effort to look cultured. "Classical music" styles are hard to distinguish between for the average person. Especially since classical music for the most part is very popular. I mean come that do people especially the younger listen to more: Fallout Boy or Tchaikovsky? I use to play the violin and it took me time to be able to sift to all the different styles and time periods and even now I'm what you call an expert. I will agree with you that any music that has an orchestra is just lumped together and labeled as "classical music" but I don't think people are wrong for it. Its not like rock where you can say this is metal and this punk. Its more complex. On a side note since when did "classical music" become popular?
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