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Old 01-16-2009, 01:36 AM   #14
Bete Noire
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You want the honest truth on this one?
Back off for a while. Sticking too close, or worse, telling her that you'll never give up on her, is not going to help. You'll create a chasm between the two of you that every time you try to reach across it she'll tear it wider, and it will destroy any hope of you even being friends. At least for a few years.
Trust me on that one. Done it before.

It's going to take you a fair few months (at least) to start moving on, but it DOES happen. You will never forget her, but you will feel attracted to others, and be able to fall in love again.
(Again, trust me, I'm there right now)

There is no easy way for you to get over this - your coming months are not going to be barrel of laughs I'm afraid. But you can lessen the total damage. By not pushing her to change her mind - she won't. She can't help that she doesn't feel the same, and if you're friends, she probably feels like shit that she's hurting you, even though it's not
her fault, but that WILL NOT make her change her mind.

Personally I found the only way to move on was to completely jump off the rails, and immersed myself in a lot of shit that I probably shouldn't have, but when I picked myself up a few months later, it all seemed less viciously close and painful.

My best friend, in your situation, said pretty much exactly the same as you're saying now. Right down to using a few of the same phrases.
He got through it by distancing himself from his unrequited love for a couple of months, and that worked for him.

To be honest, it's up to you. And you have to WANT to move on, and realise that there really isn't much hope you being together to make it work.
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