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Old 02-06-2009, 12:23 AM   #18
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Lost City of Atlanta
Posts: 326
Congratulations on being happy and stable after admitting you had a problem and seeking it out. I probably wasn't here when you were here, but welcome back.

I will say that my own relationship troubles over the years have kind of jaded me to the idea that "ideal love" really exists, especially in one so young. Good luck, but I wouldn't place any bets on getting married unless he's already put a ring on your finger. And maybe not even then. Seriously, good luck though.

Also not a huge fan of your music tastes, but old Metallica is ok, and I even have one Fiona Apple song in my music collection. Linkin' Park is the only band in your list that makes me cringe, but I'm also not familiar with several bands you listed.

Regardless, you seem polite enough, so I extend my welcome. Just remember that some people here are rather set in their ways and won't take kindly to things such as romantic idealism.
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