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Old 02-22-2009, 03:19 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by CptSternn
This is pretty damn near insane. Don't get me wrong, yer man shouldn't have been keeping that sort of thing on his PC, but to arrest a teen and charge them as a pedo when they taken pictures of THEMSELVES seemsa bit daft.
No, not really. If you are under the age of 18 you DO not have many rights, you ARE still a child....and it is NOT appropriate (especially at that age) to be taking pictures like that and sending it to people. It is so incredibly dangerous, and these kids DO need to be held accountable.

Does this mean everyone in America under the age of 18 should be arrested for being a pedo when they look in the mirror naked? God forbid they change clothes for gym class! Just being in the room would get you life in prison!
Totally idiotic statement.
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