Thread: gay marriages
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Old 04-04-2004, 11:54 AM   #16
ohthefuckwell's Avatar
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Originally Posted by OnMyOwn
It doesnt really bother me...i dont think its a right thing to do but its not going to hurt anyone. all its gonna do is piss somepeople off. I have nothing against them because i have friends that are gay and it doesnt bother me. All i think is that no one can be born gay. It all comes from problems and issues in childhood and some people just do it to hurt someone else or just ignorance. If they do or dont get married it doesnt concern me and it wont hurt me if they do. All i know is they wont mess up the sactity or whatever of marriage because if theyre gay they dont believe in the bible so they wont be getting married in the altar in a church in the presence of the Lord.

Some of the only good nice people are gay and i hate it when people talk bad about them especialy my close friends or my mom when she goes into those sermons of hers and things when i come home. My father never ever talks bad about them (thank god) he just ignores all these things that are happening.

ohhhhhh, almost had me in theory.

the stance of, "hey, it's not for me but others can do whatever they wish" is not a bad one to have. that's pretty much how i feel about it.

you have gay friends & their homosexuality doesn't bother you. hey....same here.

but then....

"All i think is that no one can be born gay. It all comes from problems and issues in childhood and some people just do it to hurt someone else or just ignorance."


"All i know is they wont mess up the sactity or whatever of marriage because if theyre gay they dont believe in the bible so they wont be getting married in the altar in a church in the presence of the Lord."

ok. one thing at a time here.

i've often had heated debates with others, as well as just with myself, if homosexuality is a "choice" or if it just "is". i've had long, emotional discussions with people who are very close to me who just so happen to be gay. the best i can come up with is....WHY would someone willingly choose a lifestyle that they know could possibly alienate them, lessen their opportunities, and, in some horrible cases, even cost them their lives in our twisted "free-loving-well-we-really-only-mean-'free-loving'-so-long-as-you-play-
by-our-rules-and-fit-into-our-mold" society?? and, an even sillier notion, do it "just to be different" or "to hurt someone" or "just ignorance"??? pardon....ignorance?? ease up there, turbo....that's a mighty harsh label. not to mention incredibly skewed.

as someone i was once extremely close to but have since lost that closeness due to circumstances irrelevant to the topic at hand said to me once, "if i could be any other way....don't you think i would? do you think i like that i've become a stranger to my own family since they found out? do you think i like knowing that straight guys who were once buddies now feel uncomfortable around me? do you think that i like knowing that my own brother wanted to kill me just because this is who i am?? but this is ME. i'm still the same person i've ALWAYS been. i can't change who i am. i would if i could for them....but i'm not ashamed for myself."

he liked who he was, he just hated that his family didn't. and even if it meant his unhappines....sacrificing who and what he really is just to make his family more comfortable....he would have changed. it wasn't a matter of "choice". he tried "playing straight" for his family's sake. he thought maybe there was something wrong with him & he just hadn't met "the right woman yet". he tried to fight it until he was in his early 20's. then he decided to just be true to himself.


"if they're gay they don't believe in the bible."

ummmmm......excuse me?

i don't tithe as regularly as i should. i have, completely & utterly regretfully, commited adultery. i have coveted some of my neighbor's possessions. i have taken the Lord's name in vain and i do not respect my mother nor my father. does any of this mean i "don't believe in the bible"?? don't be absurd. i'm saying this all on the assumption that you were implying that because people are gay, they can't possibly "believe in the bible" since there are so many references to how "wrong" it is. well, there are plenty of references to the things i mentioned....some of them are in the "big 10", in fact. your logic....if people can't "believe in the bible" because they do things the bible says, in various ways left to interpretation, are "wrong", then i can't "believe in the bible" either because i don't do things the bible says is "right". think about that. does your argument still make sense?

now, if i was totally off the mark & that wasn't your basis for the "don't believe in the bible" argument, by all means, please explain.


i'm gonna go crawl back in my hole now.
hate is just a special kind of love we give to people who suck.
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