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Old 03-08-2009, 06:52 AM   #50
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 523
Originally Posted by Apathy's_Child
Why so fucking vicious all the time? Does someone on the internet really inspire so much bile that you wish them lung cancer? I fucking blame the doctor for walking out, because smoking is not illegal and he is obligated to treat someone who does it. Should he refuse to treat a car-crash victim who didn't look both ways before crossing the street, because they contributed to their own condition? If he really did walk out after finding out that, no, someone hasn't yet managed to quit a highly addictive habit, he was being a fucking prick. It's not like medical treatment in the United States is free and the guy's draining resources that could go to some kid with bone cancer.
My point was that he has slagged off mecicine and doctors from the start. Calling medicines poison and bitching about doctors like they are butchers. THEN he gets shitty because a doctor wasnt interested in helping someone who wouldnt help themself. His boyfriend. Who could have stopped smoking and given his body a better chance to heal. It's all very well doing the whole 'the ocean, diet and exercise are better' routine, but its bullshit to then get pissy with doctors when it suits. If he honestly believed his ideas were better than medical procedures and medicines, he wouldn't be breathing in someone elses smoke, he wouldnt be allowing his body to endure that. And he would have made every effort to help his beloved to stop smoking even long enough to get better. If medicines are so evil, then why does he have such a problem with a doctor not giving a shit? Fact is, medicine is the greatest evil to him, UNLESS it's a case of someone not getting treated. His boyfriend smoking and then moaning that he isnt healing after 3 weeks, is no different to a morbidly obese person shovelling cream cakes down their throat, then moaning because a doctor cant operate to staple their stomach because they refuse to stop fucking eating shite and lose enough weight to make the surgery safe.

And my comment about getting lung cancer was more a case of, he thinks medicines so bad but he's classically the sort of person to have these legal papers drawn up, then he'll get something like lung cancer, from passively smoking, and by the time he is in agony and expects medical help, it'll be everyone elses fault he isnt getting treatment, but not his. He'll likely get shitty with doctors going 'you have legal papers preventing us helping you. Theres nothing we can do' and he's got the attitude of someone who would then try to sue hospitals over it.
I can only please one person a day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow's not looking good either.

I was a vegetarian until I lost my virginity, and a wise man said to me 'do you not feel guilty now, having had all that meat inside you?'
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