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Old 03-31-2009, 11:19 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Scotland
Posts: 12
Homophobia.... (Rant with some facts added in, but mainly a rant)

It is getting fucking ridiculous.
I just received an email from the HRC. Two thigns jumped out at me:
  • In early December, Jose Sucuzhañay, a real estate broker and father of two, was attacked by a gang of men in Brooklyn. They beat him to death with a baseball bat while yelling anti-Hispanic and anti-gay slurs. He had been walking arm-in-arm with his brother, huddling against the cold.
  • Just days later, near San Francisco, four men attacked a woman with a rainbow sticker on her car, taunted her for being a lesbian, drove her to an abandoned building and brutally ***** her, leaving her naked on the street.

And these people weren't even Homosexuals.
I read on another forum that a woman was brutally ***** and murdered: Because she was a Lesbian.
In the same place, Lesbians are often threatened to be "***** into becomign straight".

In Cornwall, Homophobia seems to be the most prominent.
Homophobic Police Officers get away with treating Gay youths, and people who support these Gay youths, badly.
Here's a video on the subject of one particular Gay youth whom was abandoned by his own family because he was Gay:

It is fucking sickening.
I have plenty of Gay friends, and if they so much as hold hands in public, they get yelled at by old hardcore christian ladies who get their knickers in a twist as soon as they see two girls or two guys holding hands. Seriously. My two guy mates made the mistake of sharing a brief kiss in public, and this old woman turned around and started yelling abuse at them, calling them filthy homosexuals and saying that they were going to Hell for committing an abomination. One of my other friends, who used to be Christian, turned around to her and quoted Leviticus 18:22, saying that the abomination was Gay sex, and not Gay love itself. That certainly shut the old bitch up.

More than once have I heard about Gay abuse. People beaten up and killed because of their sexual preference. People being told that they brought it upon themselves by choosing to be Gay.
What the fuck? I'm sorry, but people don't choose what they like. Who in their right mind would choose to be treated like that, where they risk being killed because they just so happen to like someone of the same sex?
Is it any fucking wonder as to why the closet is still full?
I thought humanity was supposed to have moved on from the Biblical times, but clearly we havn't. Clearly there is still something that is preventing people from accepting homosexuals as ordinary people.
Yes. They are ordinary people. Just like you. Just like me.
They just have a different sexual preference.
How the fuck does a different sexual preference immedeatly make someone so different that they need to be treated like they've murdered someone? Eh?

My Grandparents are hardcore homophobes. They don't want me hanging out with Gay people because they think that I might catch their "disease" and become Gay, too.
Well too fucking late. I've already had sex with a girl.

That's all I can be fucking bothered to write about now. If I come across more info or evidence, I'll post it.
Rant over, for now.
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