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Old 05-26-2009, 01:53 AM   #367
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Originally Posted by honeythorn View Post
I saw a documentary on TV about a group who live in such a dry area that they bleed their cattle ( leaving them alive ) and drink the blood when water is scarce.
This is actually really common in the arid parts of Africa. Some tribes do this instead of eating their cattle at all, and save meat for times of great celebration and/or desperation.

And I agree with pretty much everything else you said.

And with the 'whole world going vegan' idea... Has anyone ever thought of the sort of globalised cultural assimilation that'd be required for that? To a lot of indigenous cultures their food is intrinsic to their identity and way of life, and taking it away from them, even just to live as substistence farmers, would be devastating (as it already has been for many tribes in 'developing' areas). You could never keep the Penan from hunting or the Maasai from herding their cattle, and if you did I'd be game to call it a human rights violation.

I'm not against veganism at all, more power to you if you can keep it up. It's just ridiculous to think of it as an actual possibility for the whole human population when there's so much environmental and cultural variety you'd have to take into account.
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