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Old 07-27-2009, 03:10 PM   #127
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Originally Posted by Saya View Post
Its only gender biased because only women can get pregnant. If men were capable of it I'd still say its his choice and not the mother's, how hard is that to fucking understand? So really, whats your problem with the statement "Only the pregnant woman should be able to choose to abort or to carry"?
Only a woman can get pregnant, but only a man can produce the sperm cells without which women wouldn't be able to get pregnant. So should it be gender-biased the other way? No, of course. Such bias shouldn't even exist, even concerning such a debate.

How? I'm saying that if we get rid of child support altogether now kids will starve, so we need a system in place where those kids can be taken care of.
Yes, you keep saying that, and it keeps not being true. Allowing a man to opt out of financial responsibilty if he was opposed to the abortion in the first place is not going to cause kids to starve. If they were going to starve, chances are, they'd starve regardless. And if they do starve, it's not always because of lack of money and/or social services that provide food for infants and children, but, usually, because of parental neglect.

Fuck your thick.
That's rich, coming from you, after being told time and time again by BtS himself what his views are, followed by you turning around and consistently saying that he's saying something different.

It still has everything to do with the OP, and even if he said something else equally stupid that had nothing to do with the OP I'd call him on his bullshit. Whats your problem?
And you call me thick. Whatevr. If you want to believe that a comment from the end of an argument is the cause of that very same argument, go right ahead.

I ask you then, what does child support have to do with abortion? In arguing about it, are you trying to make a case that men should be able to force women to abort? This started because BtS argued that a woman in labor can't imagine the pain of paying child support, that women get off easy compared to what a man has to go through, so its nothing to force a woman to carry to term. I called him on that bullshit, what more do you want to argue?
Going back to look at the specific comment, it seemed fairly obvious that it was a sarcastic comment. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I'll wait for clarification before I say anything further on this.
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