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Old 08-09-2009, 02:43 AM   #159
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 9,548
Oh, definately The Path. One of the characters really sounds like she posts here:

"The other girls call her "goth"... It's one way of killing people: stereotyping them, putting them in a box and throwing it away. But there's more to Ruby than meets the eye. A young lady by now, 15 years of age. Life has opened up to her as a rotting flower of corruption. She can see through it all but remains an enigma herself.
When asked about her leg brace, Ruby says she's in pain. But doesn't specify where it hurts.
Ruby does not long for death. She takes a perverse pleasure in observing the extreme decay of adult society. But what will happen when she ceases to be a witness and becomes a participant instead?"

You can feel the angst bleed through the screen at times.
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