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Old 08-12-2009, 05:38 PM   #184
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Charlotte
Posts: 476
Originally Posted by Todesengel View Post
I get emo all the time and its not just from stupid preps either, friends and aquaintances of myn haven't figured out yet even with gentle encouragement from myself that I'm not emo even a little bit. It pisses me off so much that even after these people have known me for a few years they still havnt figured out I'm not one of those whining little panzies.
ah yes, same here. But to me emo isn't just whining. We all whine sometimes, come on, we all do. But it is the fact that emos let their emotions completely become the lead of their lives. "oh my god I am so depressed because of this this and this that I can't go on." You know what I mean? Also, the music. I literally am in love with siouxsie sioux and ian curtis and peter murphy. I am not a fan of emo music at all. But no one ever takes into account my music tastes. So what if I have a pair of girl pants because they were the only ones that fit me and they were on clearence? So what if I have chin length hair that is black and layered in the back? No weird emo clothes other than the pants and no swoopy bangs and definitely no over dramatizing my life and my problems. But yet I am called emo regularly because of one item of clothing that I have and a hairstyle that my hair only vaguely resembles. But who the hell cares? I just like how I dress and the music I listen to and that is all that matters. At least I am not a 45 year old person stuck in the head at 18 wearing huge bondage pants and makeup from the crow and a oversized manson t trying to be cool, lol. And yes, I have seen that before *shudders*

Whoo, anyway, I am sorry for the long post. People and their quick opinions baffle me somtimes, that is all
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