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Old 08-20-2009, 01:08 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by vindicatedxjin View Post
Lol most of these people could care less about doing of which you speak...because 1. They're probably not even close to goth in the first place. 2. They love to be against most of what anyone ever has to say...especially those that have been on this forum for a while. 3. They probably want to bash you just because I agreed on what you had to say & they hate me. 4. They don't want to HAVE to do anything that involves WORK.
This was before anyone said anything about you shutting up.
"I've an idea. Why don't we play a little game. Let's pretend that we're human beings, and that we're actually alive. Just for a while. What do you say? Let's pretend we're human. Oh, brother, it's such a long time since I was with anyone who got enthusiastic about anything."
Jack Osborne

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