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Old 08-20-2009, 01:40 PM   #67
Paradoxial_oblivion's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Hudson Texas
Posts: 16
so alan, im guessing your one of those im gother than all teh other goths type of person, well you know what by different i was saying different from the normal average person, not that im unique or that no one has said or done the things i've done or even will do but that i identify with a group of people who as a whole are set apart from the norem. people like you are the rotten spot of the sub culture you push others down just to promote yourself. i mean you actually just spent the time to quote a bunch of small part and tear me apart piece by piece or so you think. but in reality your showing everyone exactly why we wont get anywhere. because as long as egotistical stuck up assholes like you, are running around insulting and trying to bring down people that are probably more connected with you than teh average joe, we will never get anywhere.
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